Affiliate Disclosures

In keeping with the FTC regulations and in the spirit of transparency, here are our Affiliate Disclosures. We are committed to adhering to the governing laws. We participate in the Work From Home Affiliate Marketers program, being a part of an initiative called RRR247. This enables us to promote high-quality products and services that have a significant impact globally.

It’s fair to assume that our promotions are mutually beneficial. They either enhance our marketing and traffic, or lead to commissions or other forms of compensation. As this is a key source of income supporting our families, we believe in being open about our compensation. Consequently, we employ affiliate links and tracking systems to ensure accurate results and payment tracking.

Be aware that we are part of a community that harnesses the potential of Affiliate Marketing. Further bolstered by training and support from our community, we also provide channels for you to reach out to us for further information on any content we’ve shared here on OUR AWESOME PBS.

What are affiliate links?

All purchases are conducted on the external websites of our clients or partners. When a reader engages with an affiliate link on our Performance Blogging System (PBS), they are redirected to the relevant client’s website. Our role is to discover remarkable products, share them with you, and facilitate the connection. This process is both safe and secure.

Whether you make a purchase through an affiliate link or a non-affiliate link, the prices remain identical. Clicking through the link will not result in any additional cost to you. In fact, you often stand to save money by using our links and discount or offer codes.

Within our Community of Online Marketing Students and Professionals of this trade we gain. This includes samples and free promotional products; and the best of all income in helping to market our clients products and services.

These Affiliate Disclosures are to keep you informed of our role in this process of marketing.

While we only endorse or share products that we genuinely believe in, it’s important to note that we receive various forms of compensation for promoting them online.

Our tasks are to do the writing, marketing, posting advertisements, and in some instances, even purchasing ads. As a business, we want to be transparent in our Affiliate Disclosures making it clear that we receive various types of compensation for the items we have vetted, believe in and therefore share.